Thursday, August 30, 2007

1st Post

Well I really have no idea what to write about in my first blog. I have ideas for future blogs but the first one just puzzles me. That is just the kind of person I am. Well I guess that I will talk about why I have a blog. I like to fantasize about stuff. Now I know what you might be thinking and no it isn't anything bad. Just cool stories that I like to imagine and develop in my mind. I am told that I would be a good writer, by more people than just my mom so it might be true, because of all of these ideas. However whenever I get to writing them down I always loose my determination because these awesome giant stories that are growing in my head can only dribble out through my hands and onto paper. At the rate that I write I also become bored with what I have and give it up for what seem like bigger and better things. This would frustrate me quite a lot.

So in an effort to counteract my behavior when it comes to writing I have created this blog. I don't expect it to be any good or all that popular. I simply hope to concentrate my creative juices and develop my writing ability, if I do have any. So if you are reading this it means that I thought that my writings were decent enough for others and told somebody, or you found it at random which would mean that you were supposed to find it and now you must cling to my every word and worship me. Or leave a comment. You know... whatever you want.

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